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Aya The Store Manager Is Absent Today

Since the store manager is absent today, I will be in charge of the interview as the deputy store manager. Aya, 25 years old, has no experience in customs, and the number of people who have experience in H is small. The plump bust that you can see from the top of your clothes is a self-proclaimed E cup, but it seems that there is definitely more than G. Customers basically like big breasts, so you can expect it. You want to work from today, so let's start the training immediately. While saying embarrassing ..., if you touch your boobs, your sensitive nipples will immediately stand out. It seems that the dick is also easy to feel, and it sank in the vibe of almost the first experience. Too much comfort 本日は店長が不在ですので、副店長の私が面接を担当させていただきます。25歳のあやさんは、風俗も未経験、さらにHの経験人数も少なめとのことです。服の上からでも分かるふくよかなバストは自称Eカップとのことですが、確実にG以上はありそうです。お客様は基本巨乳好きですから期待が持てますね。本日から働きたいとのことですので、早速研修を始めてみましょう。「恥ずかしい…」と言いながら、おっぱいを触られれば敏感な乳首がすぐにピン立ちです。アソコも感じやすいようで、ほぼ初体験のバイブにあえなく撃沈。あまりの気持ち良さに、



