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Appearance Of A Married Woman I Met On An Affair Site

Tonight is also the appearance of a married woman I met on an affair site. Mr. Matsumiya said that he got married to her husband after her work romance. At the same time as she got married, she was told that her staff's eyes were worrisome and she decided to change jobs to another company. And Mr. Matsumiya feels stressed by her newlywed life, her new workplace and the changes in the two environments. In addition, one LINE message will catch up! The message was sent by her husband to her cheating partner, and she seems to have accidentally sent it to Mr. Matsumiya. Although her husband has just been married, her husband's affair is discovered, and she accesses an affair site in order to escape from reality. 今宵も不倫サイトで出会った人妻の出演です。職場恋愛の末、ご主人と結婚に至ったという松宮さん。結婚すると同時に、スタッフの目が気になると言われた彼女は別会社に転職することに…。そして、松宮さんは新婚生活と新しい職場と2つの環境の変化にストレスを感じてしまう。さらに一通のLINEメッセージが追い打ちをかけてくる!そのメッセージとはご主人が浮気相手に送ったもので、誤って松宮さんに送ってしまったらしい。まだ、結婚間もないというのにご主人の浮気が発覚し、現実逃避を図るため不倫サイトにアクセスしてしまう…。



