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Apparently She Quarreled With Her Husband And She Jumped Out Of The House And Moved To Her Friend S House

I met a married woman who was active as a dad. Apparently she quarreled with her husband, and she jumped out of the house and moved to her friend's house ... She was a full-time housewife, so she wasn't working and started daddy activities to earn her livelihood. The reason she left her house in the first place is her husband's affair! Her recent husband's behavior is suspicious of her affair, and when she hires and monitors her detective to turn her black and white, she discovers that she is having an affair with her colleague's woman. And she said she rushed into the shrine but was disillusioned with her husband's unabashed attitude. パパ活をしていた人妻と出会いました。どうやら彼女はご主人と喧嘩した挙句、家を飛び出し友人宅を転々としているらしい…。専業主婦だったので仕事をしておらず、生活の糧を得るためにパパ活を始める。そもそも彼女が家を飛び出した理由はご主人の浮気!最近のご主人の行動が怪しく浮気を疑い、白黒つけるために探偵を雇い監視してもらうと、同僚の女性と浮気していることが発覚する。そして、修羅場に突入するのだがご主人の悪びれない態度に幻滅したという。



