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I Can T Help Wondering How Such An Erotic Child Will Be Created If I Live

I can't help wondering how such an erotic child will be created if I live, such natural erotic and magical Ena-chan. Her uniform is so cute, but the button on her chest is about to be torn off by her big breasts, and the gap is about to hit her. When she started having sex, she was relentlessly caressed only around her inguinal region, and even after being impatient, she squirted irresistibly with her finger. This is erotic again. I wonder if she is M, but when it comes to her turn, she attacks with the little devil fully open. She has a good sense of eroticism, such as how to use her tongue, how to choose words, and how to drip saliva. どう生きてきたらこんなエロい子が出来上がるのか気になって仕方ない、そんな天性のエロさ、魔性さのあるえなちゃん。制服姿は何の違和感もない可愛らしさだが、胸元のボタンは彼女の巨乳に押されてはちきれそうになっていて、そのギャップにまずやられそうになる。いざセックスが始まると、鼠径部周辺ばかりを執拗なまでに愛撫され、これでもかというくらい焦らされた後での指入れにたまらず潮吹き。これがまたエロい。Mなのかと思いきや、自分のターンになれば小悪魔全開で攻めてくる。舌の遣い方といい、言葉選びといい、唾液の垂らし方といい、エロのセンスが天才的過ぎる。



