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Kin8tengoku 3497 As Usual The Year Goes By In A Blink Of An Eye If You Think You Ve Done The KIN8 Award The Other Day

As usual, the year goes by in a blink of an eye! If you think you've done the KIN8 Award the other day, it's the end of the year! This time has come again! KIN8 Award 2021! For some reason, various newcomers came this year too! What's more, Gen Z cuties are now very active! No, it's really fast! Of course, salmon pink is alive and well on beautiful skin! The ranking has finally been decided, reflecting everyone's downloads! Today we are announcing from 10th to 6th place! I'm looking forward to seeing which child will be in the ranking! Is there a girl you are looking for? ?? Don't miss the Gold 8 Awards at the end of the year! A little more this year! The last spurt will be the end of 2021 with energetic spirit! 相変わらず一年はあっという間に過ぎてしまう!この前KIN8アワードをやったと思ったらもう年末~!またこの時期がやってきました!KIN8アワード2021!何だかんだで今年もいろんな新人ちゃんがやってきてくれました~!しかもZ世代のかわいこちゃんたちが今となっては大活躍~!いやいやホント時のたつのは早いものっす!もちろん綺麗なお肌にサーモンピンクは健在!皆様のダウンロードを反映して遂に順位が決まりました~!本日は10位から6位までの発表でございます!どの子が順位に入ってくるのか楽しみ楽しみ~!あなたのお目当ての女の子は入っているのでしょうか!?年の締めくくりには見逃せない金8アワード!今年ももうちょっと!ラストスパート元気もりもりで2021年の締めくくりっす~!



