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SSDV-16 S Model SSDV Vol 16 M Chijo Shino Aoi

The charisma of the AV world, Shino Aoi, who continues to be supported by many fans who are beautiful, cute and erotic every time she gets older, appears in M Slut. Suddenly she whispered with a sweet lewd word that was chilling looking at the camera, saying, I don't love sex, please love me a lot !! Her highlights are the beautifully shaped body, the atmosphere full of scents that men love, and the real thrill of a woman who is said to be the charisma of the AV world. And there is no doubt that the best camera angle and the entanglement that makes full use of erotic and cute erotic techniques from the beginning to the end will be the best side dish! !! Please do not miss it! !! !! AV界のカリスマ、年を重ねる度に美しく可愛くエロく多くのファンに支持され続けている碧しのさんが「M痴女」に登場。いきなり「セックスが大好きなしのの事、いっぱい可愛がってください!!」とカメラ目線でゾクッとする甘い淫語で囁くしのさん。見所は何と言っても見事にシェイプされた肉体、男好きする色香に満ちた雰囲気、これぞAV界のカリスマと言われる女の醍醐味です。そして、最高のカメラアングルと最初から最後までエロく可愛らしく長年のエロ技を駆使した絡みは最高のおかずになること間違いありません!!どうかお見逃しなく!!!

