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2021-10-23 65

Ashlyn Amp Casey

STOP shoplifting! An ordinary supermarket with a certain place. A mere devotion triggers a disastrous ending ... Shoplifting damage that occurs despite the decline in sales under this circumstance! Majiki and the store manager who forgive such perpetrators shoplifted girls ● In exchange for the condition not to report to the students, I had them write a pledge. Shoplifting is a crime ... Even if she knew it, the girl was guilty and forced by the shopkeeper to pledge her. The content is to pay sincerity with her body ... The trap of the pledge Listen to whatever the store manager says, ●●●● The girls ○ students endured. STOP 万引き!某所のある何の変哲もないスーパー。ほんの出来心が悲惨な結末の引き金に・・・・。この状況下で売上げ減にみまわれる中にも関わらず起こる万引き被害!そんな加害者を許すまじきと店長は万引きした女子●生たちに通報しない条件と引き換えに「誓約書」を書かせた。万引きは犯罪…。わかっていても少女は罪を犯して店主から誓約を迫られる。その内容は身体をもって誠意を払うという・・・誓約書の罠「店長の言う事は何でも聞くこと、」●●●●に女子○生たちは耐え忍ぶのだった。



